Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

These courses are often offered by top universities usually provide a couple learning options.  First you can pay to take the course and receive some type of certified credential when you successfully complete the course.  Alternatively, you can “audit” the course for free.  By auditing you have full access to the course materials, however any assignments you complete will not be marked and of course you will not receive a certified completion of the course.

Most courses are often of high quality as universities are investing heavily in the production of the course as the course will be a reflection of its brand.  Most courses provide the ability for learners to watch video lectures, read material, interact with peers in online discussions and complete quizzes that reinforces the learning and provides feedback on what is understood.  Having self-directed learning skills provides learners with greater success in this type of courses.

Whether you are a university student who wants to supplement their face to face learning or someone who wants to acquire new knowledge out of interest or to advance your career, the following three MOOC sites provide a great place to start finding high quality FREE online courses.

Founded by Harvard University and MIT, EdX provides high quality courses from the world’s best universities.  Their mission is to increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere.

Coursera “envisions a world where anyone, anywhere can transform their life by accessing the world’s best learning experience.”  The courses are taught by top instructors from the world’s best universities.  Courses include video lectures, auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments and discussion forums.

Udacity provides “world-class higher education opportunities that are accessible, flexible, and economical.   is to democratize education through the offering of world-class higher education opportunities that are accessible, flexible, and economical.